2021年12月3日(金)20:30-22:00に、Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundationの理事長を務めるMs.Shirley Ann Higuchi氏をお迎えし、「My Leadership Origin Story, Setsuko’s Secret: Heart Mountain and the Legacy of the Japanese American Incarceration」のタイトルでオンライン講演を行っていただきます。

Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundationは、第二次世界大戦時に米国在住の日系人が強制収容された米国ワイオミング州のハートマウンテンにある収容施設を保存するために設立された財団です。

弁護士でもあり、アメリカ心理学会のリーガル部門のヘッドも務めていらっしゃるShirley Ann Higuchi氏が、どのような経緯で財団の理事長となったか、リーダーシップ力の発揮という観点からも語って下さいます。

以下のGoogle Formよりお申込み下さい。

●参加申込: https://forms.gle/XEnper48UvcQBVHEA

Shirley Ann Higuchi, Chair of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation shares the arc of her origin story from growing up in a predominantly black and white community in Ann Arbor, Michigan; getting her law degree from Georgetown Law in Washington, DC; working at a high powered Washington DC law firm; to the crisis and surprise of her mother’s deathbed wish and her pivotal moment visiting the place of her parents’ WWII incarceration at Heart Mountain. Higuchi now chairs the foundation that runs the only privately owned former WWII incarceration site and bridges the communities of Cody, Wyoming and the Japanese Americans who were incarcerated there during WWII. She shares her evolution and strategies as a leader and activist in the Japanese American community and underscoring the importance of knowing one’s own personal family history in order to step boldly into the future.

●著書「Setsuko’s Secret」トレーラー:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1if20d_ll8
(音楽 “Violin Tsunami” by Kaoru Ishibashi
Reference: https://www.kishibashi.com/about, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlXwpaAVoJQ )

●Shirley Ann Higuchi氏略歴(英語のみ):
Shirley Ann Higuchi, JD, Chair of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation (HMWF), is the daughter of former incarcerees, Dr. William I. Higuchi and the late Setsuko Saito Higuchi. It was not until her mother was on her deathbed in 2005 that Shirley would inspire to take on her mother’s dream of “having something built there” and chronicle the story in her book, Setsuko’s Secret: Heart Mountain and the Legacy of the Japanese American Incarceration. This is the story of Shirley’s journey.

In addition to her work with Heart Mountain, Shirley currently leads the legal advocacy office of the American Psychological Association. Follow her on Twitter: @HiguchiJD See where to buy the book and how to join upcoming events at: setsukossecret.com

●ハートマウンテン日系人強制収容施設について: https://www.heartmountain.org/ (英語サイト)