Message from the Director: Academy for Leadership

Yutaka Akiyama

ToTAL will not provide you with a fast-track ticket to becoming
a leader nor with tips to make you look like a leader. We aim
to other students with opportunities to work with individuals
coming from diverse study fields, cultures and backgrounds,
and a place to meet with excellent colleagues and mentors
to come together to deliberate over the immediate challenges
in our society. This experience will help you exert your high
leadership potential that you already possess when you
become a leader in the future. Traditional curricula of
specialized studies tend to lack in such opportunities.
As a beginning to learning leadership, we expect you to
nurture the three abilities that we call “seeds of leadership”.
One is to gain awareness of yourself in history and the
world, and discover motivation from within yourself. As a
member of the Institute, you are expected
to be at the top of your specialized field; you should also
always be sensible about how your study is positioned within
a long timeframe or in the world, and be able to explain it to
others. We ask that you please take some time to find the
other two seeds in this brochure.