
ToTAL recommends to take Leadership Off-Campus Project as much as possible, but you may take Leadership Interdisciplinary Research Project on campus if it is difficult for you to find a host institution outside of the university.

  • The host institute will be “a laboratory on campus that is different from your own discipline”.
  • ToTAL can introduce laboratories of Institute for Liberal Arts. Please contact ToTAL office if you need support in finding a host lab.

Travel expense support

Transportation costs between campuses are not supported.

How to Participate

One month before the project

  1. Submit the Application for Leadership Interdisciplinary Research Project *Use Box file request

2. Prof Yamada confirms the documents and returns them back to you with his signature of approval.

3. Obtain your academic supervisor’s signature on the application form and submit to mailbox J3-141.(ToTAL Suzukakedai office) 

4. The ToTAL Off-campus committee approve your application.


Before the project

5. Submit ‘Application for Implementation of Leadership Interdisciplinary Research Project ‘, ‘Letter of Commitment’.


During the project

Submit ‘Leadership Leadership Interdisciplinary Research Project Progress Report’. (submit every month from the start of the project)

※Register for the Leadership Interdisciplinary Research Project on the quarter you are finishing this course.


One month after the project

7. Submit ‘Leadership Interdisciplinary Research Project Report’


Half a year after the project

8. Off-campus Project Debrief