Students in their last semester of M2 or later may apply to take the Qualifying Examination (QE) to receive financial supports from ToTAL during their Doctoral course.
Applicants for QE are required to
The requirements to take the Qualifying Examination are as follows. Please see Table 1. and Table 2. of the Study Guide as well.
- Completion or expected completion of a master’s degree program
- Completion or expected completion of courses mandatory for taking the qualifying examination, i.e., Introduction to Leadership (TAL.W401) and/or Leadership Workshop (LAH.C401) and/or Global Leadership Practice (ENT.L457)
- Attainment or expected attainment of a minimum of 7 credits (as a general rule) from among those required to complete this program as per Table 2 of the Study Guide. Of the 7 credits, 2 must come from Fundamental Group Work for Leadership I, and those from Introduction to Leadership or Leadership Workshop or Global Leadership Practice may not be included.
Applicants who passed the ToTAL QE
Applicants who passed the ToTAL QE may receive
- ToTAL issues the “Leadership Focus Certificate” to certify completion of ToTAL’s master’s course
- Exemption from PhD course tuition fee
(Partial or full exemption, additional conditions may apply.) - Eligibility to take the “Leadership Off-Campus Project [TAL.I601]” course
Application Form
※Students eligible to take the QE will be informed of the application procedures and forms.
[Students who are planning to enroll in a doctoral degree program]
Students are expected to answer the following questions in about 300 words each.
- Describe what you learned at ToTAL, including in the courses and other activities at ToTAL.
- Explain the reason(s) why you want to continue your studies at ToTAL and what you would like to learn at ToTAL.
[Students who are graduating after completion of the master’s degree program]
Students are expected to answer the following questions in about 300 words each.
- Describe what you learned at ToTAL, including in the courses and other activities at ToTAL.
- Describe your future aspirations and learning plans.