There will be final assessment for students who apply for graduation procedures of the Institute’s Graduate School and satisfy all requirements to finish the ToTAL program. The outline of the ToTAL final assessment are as follows. ToTAL Office will contact the students who should prepare for the final assessment about 6 months in advance.
Assessment Method
Academy for Leadership (ToTAL) conducts an overall assessment on students’ achievements and outcomes to determine whether they qualify to complete the ToTAL program. For this purpose, students are required to make an oral presentation followed by a discussion session attended by four or five evaluators from ToTAL and other members of the Institute.
■Estimated assessment time
Around 50 minutes(Presentation: 20 minutes, Q&A: 20 minutes, Assessment: 10 minutes)
Presentation Requirements
Please prepare your presentation to include the topics listed below, followed by a conclusion that describes how you can create new value in society.
1. About yourself(Include at least two of the following)
a. Major field of study and research conducted during a doctoral program
(Explain the position of your major field within the wider disciplines, and define technical terms in language appropriate for evaluators who are outside of your discipline.)
b. Engagement in academic projects outside of your major field
c. Personality traits and life experience
d. Knowledge, skills, strengths, and weaknesses
*Provide a multifaceted description of yourself.
*Talk about not only what you’ve done, but also for what and how you’ve done it.
2. What you have learned or gained through studying at ToTAL for five years
*Avoid overly abstract or general expressions.
a. Changes in your sense of purpose and understanding of leadership
*Have you achieved your objectives set at the beginning of the ToTAL program?
Has your understanding of what leadership entails changed?
Describe how studying at ToTAL has been helpful to you.
b. Details of what you have learned from your experience at ToTAL
c. Proposals and implementation of projects, regardless of whether they are part of ToTAL activities.
3. Prospects
a. How will you contribute to society? What vision do you have for the future?
Points for Assessment
1. Assessment of students’ growth and achievements
(Based on presentations and discussions, evaluators assess whether students have acquired the competencies that are recognized as expected outcomes for ToTAL students. The following points will be evaluated)
a. Will / sense of purpose, independence, motivation, and determination
b. Vision / broad perspectives, identification of issues, vision of the future, and creativity
c. Action / ability to take action, and execution skills
2. Assessment of presentation content and overall performance
(Evaluators assess analytical techniques and approaches, logicality of the conclusion drawn, attitude during discussions, expressiveness, etc.)
a. Expression / self-awareness, self-expression, and uniqueness
b. Analysis / logical thinking and in-depth consideration
c. Communication / ability to respond quickly and appropriately to questions during presentations
and discussions
Steps to Final Assessment
6 month before the Final Assessment
ToTAL Office will contact the students who should prepare for the final assessment.
For your reference, we will ask you to submit either of the following forms to the ToTAL Office.
Standard form
For students who fall under Article 25 (formerly Article 22) of the Guidelines for Degree Examination
2 week before the Final Assessment
Arrange and announce a dry-run session in ToTAL before the final assessment (about two weeks before). In the dry-run you will present to some students and faculty members of ToTAL and ask for their opinions and advice.
Profs. Yamada, Kamura, and Matsuzaki will attend and provide feedback, so please contact them to arrange a date. Also, please contact the students you would like to ask for their opinions and advice and ask them to attend the dry-run. The opportunity to organize what you can do and what you want to do will be needed many times in the future. Please use this as a good opportunity to get comments from others and reflect.
Final Assessment
Evaluation will be based on oral presentations by students and a question-and-answer session with the judges.