Office hours by faculty members
We are happy to hear from students. Please reach out to us whenever you have something wou want to share, for example:
- Questions about the ToTAL curriculum
- Questions about registrating to ToTAL
- Questions about taking ToTAL’s courses or workshop
- Suggestions about ToTAL
- Proposal for an event, guest lecturers, courses
- …and anything you want to share!
About mental issues, please comment that you need a personal consultation in the request form. We will connect Prof. Kiyama, a student counselor and ToTAL professor, with you.
Regular office hour
Our “Online Office Hours” are offered to students as follows. Either or all of Prof. Matsuzaki, Prof. Watanabe, and Prof. Yamada will be available.
Please do not hesitate to access the Online Office Hour to ask questions or receive consultation on anything.
Date & Time | 15:00-16:00, Mondays and Fridays (closed on holidays) |
Zoom information | Meeting ID: 968 3283 4749 |
Zoom password | If you are connecting to the meeting room for the first time, please request the passcode from below. |
Individual request
If you have anything you would like to consult individually or you are not available on the regular office hours, please send us a request by the form below.
If you have specific topics you would concult with, please write it in a comment so that we can assign the person to talk with you.
Totally fun gatherings (students)
Every Tuesday, we meet in the student room just to relax and enjoy free time.
Faculty members or some students may also organize some events. Since it is free participation, there is no guarantee that someone will be there, but we will replenish the snacks, so please come by if you would like to join us.
Date & Time | 18:00-19:30, Tuesdays |
Venue | Changing weekly (see our event calendar): South building 6, 3rd floor, Room S6-309A J3 building, 3rd floor, Room J3-309A |
Other services in the university
Our university has various consultation and counseling services available for students.
Counseling Services | Current Students | Tokyo Institute of Technology
Information about Counseling Services
Several consultation points where advice from experts is available are listed here. If you are hesitant to seek advice directly, feel free to first speak with ToTAL faculty.
Career consultation
Career Counseling | Career Support Services | Current Students | Tokyo Institute of Technology
Career Counseling Provided to all Students
Mental health counseling
Mental health and counseling | Counseling Services | Current Students | Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mental health counseling about your school life, human relationships and other issues
Student accessibility support
Student Accessibility Services | Counseling Services | Current Students | Tokyo Institute of Technology
Provide support and services for students with disabilities to have access to education and university life