リーダーシップ教育院では、2024年6月19日(水)17:15-18:45に、アジア地域をベースに約50年にわたり、金融・コンサルティング業界においてエグゼクティブコーチ・組織/人材開発コンサルタントとして、また、近年はベンチャー起業家として活躍されているTom Pedersen(トム・ペダーセン)氏をお招きし、「Leading and Learning: Half a Century in Asia」と題してご講演を行っていただきます。
開催日時 | 2024年6月19日(水) 17:15-18:45 |
開催方法 | 対面およびオンライン(Zoom) |
開催場所(対面) | レクチャーシアター,西講義棟1,3階(メインエントランス階),大岡山キャンパス および オンライン(Zoom) |
対象 | 本学学生,教職員,学外一般(定員:約100名) |
言語 | 英語 |
参加登録(対面) | 対面でご参加をご希望の場合は,以下のGoogle Formsよりお申込みください。 参加申込(対面参加) |
参加登録(オンライン) | 対面でご参加をご希望の場合は,以下のZoom登録サイトよりお申込みください。 参加申込(オンライン参加) |
Tom Pedersen氏略歴* (英語のみ)
Founder & CEO of BentoBox Innovation Inc.
Former executive at Shinsei Bank, DBS Bank and Korn Ferry
Former adjunct faculty at Keio University (Focus: Multinational companies in Japan and globalization, Leadership in Global Organizations)
-Spent over 40 years in Asia as a soldier, a professor, a small business owner and as an executive. He has focused on developing individuals and organizations to lead with purpose.
-Shinsei Bank (Tokyo): Chief Learning Officer and the executive overseeing human resources, corporate communications, brand and CSR. The bank was recognized as the top firm for employee development in Japan.
-DBS Bank (Singapore): Managing Director, where he led the global learning and talent functions, building individual, team and organizational capabilities for the group throughout Asia. The bank received widespread recognition – Gallup Great Workplace Award, Center for Creative Leadership Best Leadership Development, The Asian Banker Best Employee Engagement.
-Korn Ferry (Tokyo): Managing Director and Senior Partner, where he built the leadership practice for Japan, creating and localizing IP to respond to large Japanese multinational client needs for leadership assessment and development.
-Global Treehouse (Tokyo): President and Representative an organization focusing on executive mindfulness, creativity, and innovation.
-BentoBox Innovation Inc.: Founder and CEO: A venture focusing on breakthrough team innovation methodologies.
-Published multiple articles in the Diamond Harvard Business Review on developing future leaders
-Been a keynote speaker and panelist at leadership conferences, an in-demand senior coach working with executives and top teams, and an adjunct faculty at Keio University.