【Message】Marie Kawamura

You will meet remarkable people who are engaged in a wide variety of exciting research in ToTAL!

Marie Kawamura

School of Environment and Society (M2)

Would you like to make new amazing friends in ToTAL to enjoy your student life together here at Tokyo Tech?

Lynn – Tokyo Tech Admissions

ToTAL provides a place to meet several fascinating people beyond your lab and research fields. Through classes and student activities in the ToTAL program, you will, for sure, have tons of opportunities to interact actively with other ToTAL students and get to know each other profoundly. You will meet remarkable people who are engaged in a wide variety of exciting research, and this may help you to broaden your perspectives and ideas.

For your information, I am conducting fieldwork research on the Indian community in Japan from a sociological perspective.
From my two-year experience in ToTAL, I am pretty sure that fantastic encounters always await you! Let’s take a big step and open up your new chapter in ToTAL!

(Staff Comment) Marie has served as an interpreter from Japanese to English at the Global Leadership Cafe. She has also provided support for students with language difficulties in the ToTAL class, which is conducted in English and Japanese. Check Tokyo Tech ambassador blog for her article about ToTAL’s Lean Launchpad program.