Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL) will hold a Leadership Off-campus Project / Interdisciplinary Research Project Debrief where six doctoral degree program students will make a short presentation on their off-campus project and answer questions from the audience.

ToTAL is an extracurricular excellence program for students from all Schools and various backgrounds to develop leadership skills. ToTAL provides financial support for an off-campus project of approximately three months to all doctoral students who pass the qualifying exam. ToTAL students who are scheduled to make a presentation have finished their project at universities around the world, a lab, and a research institution in Japan.

Anyone in the Tokyo Tech community is welcome to attend and listen to their presentations. Please join us! No prior registration necessary.

Date, time and placeFriday, March 15 5:00PM-7:00PM
@S4-201 lecture room, South Building 4, Ookayama Campus
Agenda and schedule
Presenters1.Sho Furubayashi
Host institution: Okumura-Funakoshi Lab, Tokyo Tech
2.Liu Kexin
Host institution: University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
3.Shohei Nomura
Host institution: UC Santa Barbara, California, USA
4.Junhui Kim
Host institution: ROBOT Industrial Basic Technology Collaborative Innovation Partnership (ROBOCIP), Japan
5.Takaki Imaizumi
Host institution: Heidelberg University, Germany
6.Marcello Gecchele
Host institution: The University of Chicago, Illinois, USA
Language Presentations: English, Q&A: in English or Japanese
How to participateNo registration necessary. Please come to the venue.
However, you may not participate if it reaches capacity of the lecture room.