
The workshop of “Lean Launchpad(LLP)”, the latest training program for creating business from zero originated by Steve Blank, a serial entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, will be available for all Tokyo Tech students in 2019 1Q/2Q. The orientation of the program will be held as follows. All students who (1) are planning or considering to join the program or (2) want to have entrepreneurship/leadership capabilities should join this orientation.

  • Date and Time: 24/Jan/2019 (Thu) 18:00-19:30
  • Venue: S6-309B (O-okayama Campus) and J3-309(Suzukake-dai Campus) by remote access system
  • Contact: Prof. Keisuke Yamada, ToTAL/AGL (

Please inform Prof. Yamada by email if you want to join the orientation.

In order to accelerate creating idea for possible business and team building, we are planning to have a 1 day workshop of “Idea-thon” on 16/Feb(Sat) 10:00-18:00@O-okayama.

During coming orientation, outline of the ideathon will be explained in addition to LLP outline and procedure for participation.

✧ Lean Launchpad:

“Lean Launchpad (LLP)” is the program for fostering core of leadership and entrepreneurship through new business development practices originated by Steve Blank, a serial entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. A lot of US universities including Stanford University are engaged in this program. In Japan, this program has been adopted in several universities such as Waseda Univ and Osaka Univ. In Tokyo Tech, AGL started this program from 2013.
Whether you can provide the highest value with users who are eager to have should be the key for the “BUSINESS”. It will be worthwhile for you to think about functions of understanding “mechanism of needs” through steps of “establish issues to be solved”, “ideation with diversity”, “proposing solutions”, and “consensus building”, which may be the essentials for leaders in any kind of fields including technology development, research, business and policy making.
By forming a team with 3-4 members, your idea of possible future business will be materialized during the period of April-July.

* Outline of the workshop:
