
Open Forum is a casual opportunity to come together and discuss issues that matter to us.  A student or other member of the Institute’s community speaks for about 8 minutes on any topic of their choice.  PowerPoint slides are welcome but not essential. 

After the presentation, participants ask questions and discuss the focus for the day.  In the past, students have spoken about their research, social issues such as women in engineering, environmental issues, philosophy, new technology, etc.  An abbreviated version of a presentation already given in class is perfectly fine! 

We are asking presenters to indicate whether they would allow their presentations to be recorded for limited distribution among members of the Institute’s community.  (Message from Prof. Kiyama, ToTAL)

WHEN Mondays, 12:50~13:20 for 3-4Q, AY2024
WHEREWorkshop room 2, B2 floor, Taki Plaza, Ookayama campus
HOW TO JOINNo registration is necessary.
Those who would like to give an 8-10 minute presentation on a topic of your choice at the Open Forum may apply from “Call for Speakers” below.

Upcoming Forums

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Call for Speakers

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Past Topics

[Open Forum / Dec. 2] SDGs in Japan -Japan’s Sustainable Activities & Career Pathways-
[Open Forum / Dec. 16] Effect of Generative AI on Humanity
[Open Forum / Dec. 9] The Story of a Double-Edged Sword Substance in Athletic Industry
[Open Forum / Nov. 25] The Identities of Vietnamese Cuisine
[Open Forum / Nov. 18] Dark Pattern
[Open Forum / Nov. 11] AI Applied to Basketball
[Open Forum / Oct. 28] Magic of Smiling. Is This a Superpower?
[Open Forum / Dec. 23] Music Theory & Feeling in Music Creation
[Open Forum / Oct 7] What Thing is Connecting to University Students’ Happiness and Satisfaction
[Open Forum / July 29] The Mandela Effect
[Open Forum / July 22] Why Were the Earthquakes in Turkey More Destructive than the Earthquakes in Japan?
[Open Forum / July 8] History of Thievery in the British Museum